“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”
-Romans 1:16a
What Is The Gospel?
All our righteousness is like filthy rags to God and so we are in a desparate situation when facing the holiness of God as human beings. As breakers of God’s moral law, the sentence of eternal death is rightly over everyone of us. There is only one remedy, and that is that God Himself should live a righteous human life for us and somehow credit that righteousness to our account by simple faith.
To do this, Jesus Christ, as both God and man, had to substitute for you on the cross and bear the full wrath of a holy God on your behalf. When He rose from the dead, He made a way for you too to have new life inside, and stand completely righteous before the holiness of God, full of His Holy Spirit.
This is the good news; this is the gospel. Just believe it and you will find that it is the power of God to salvation for you.
What Is Grace?
To understand grace requires a deep understanding of your sin and utter separation from God without Christ’s work of redemption. This graphical video beautifully explains the extraordinary glory of grace for the human soul.